At around 4:30 pm she arrived at our place. Naughty me was playing with Snowy and Crystal's yellow duckie when she arrived. I saw her come in to the living room with Kat. I went and sniffed her then faced kat and started to wag my tail wanting to play. Kat and Lindsey sat and talked about me. I was just busy pulling duckie's fur; while doing so (and acting crazy with duckie), Lindsey couldn't help it but crack up laughing at goofy me......I went after I was done with duckie right to kat. I jumped at the sofa and started to ask kat to play with me. I kept on hearing Lindsey say that I was so very cute and funny. When Lindsey put me on her lap, I was so calm and quiet coz it was my first time to meet her (kat says that I will get used to her and love her as much as I loved kat)
Lindsey loved my name. She studied art at university and says that I look like a paint brush with this hair cut (lots of hair on the head and less on the body), so she is not gonna change my name. By the way, my ex-owners named me Picasso and it never got changed to kat and now to Lindsey.
When it was time for Lindsey to leave, I thought that I was supposed to say goodbye to her, but she was like to me, "lets go and meet the rest at your new home Picasso". Kat grabbed me and gave me a VERY BIG hug!! told me to take good care of myself. She said that I will be missed so bad here, and gave me one of her famous kisses on my precious head. I ,as always, gave her plenty of doggie kisses with my tiny, pink tongue.
Kat said that she is gonna visit me at my new place tomorrow and we will soon be going to the beach *all of us*.
Right after I reached my new place, Lindsey called kat to tell her that I was doing fine. Lindsey is already in love with me. I already made her laugh (am really good at that). She also said that I will be joining her to visit Australia when she goes on vacation (even though Australia has strict rules when emporting a pet, yet she will still take me with her) she does sound like katkoota to me!!
Here is another pic of me and my happy mommy!!

Thank you all for caring about me guys. Thanks for visiting my blog and for all the support that you gave me and katkoota. Am gonna miss her too, but I will VERY VERY soon fall in love with Lindsey.
I also wanted to say good-bye to everyone here since my journey in finding a forever home has ended. Its time to settle down in my new home; continue living as a normal, happy dog
LOTS OF LOVE are being sent from me to you all